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Charts help you visualize your data in a way that creates maximum impact on your audience. Learn to create a chart and add a trendline.
Add or remove titles in a chart
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To make a chart easier to understand, you can add chart title and axis titles, to any type of chart. Axis titles are typically available for all axes that can be displayed in a chart, including depth (series) axes in 3-D charts.
Show or hide a chart legend or data table
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When you create a chart, the legend appears by default, but you can hide the legend or change its location after you create the chart.
Add a trend or moving average line to a chart
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Add a Trendline to your chart to show visual data trends.
Analyze your data instantly
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Excel's Quick Analysis button lets you instantly create different types of charts, including line and column charts, or add miniature graphs called sparklines.
Update the data in an existing chart
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If you need to change data in a chart, you can do it from its source